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Saturday, December 10, 2011

The beginning of a long journey...

I have decided to start this blog because I am tired of being 50 pounds overweight. I am in my dietetic internship and should be eating well right? well wrong. I moved to Indy for this internship so I am eating worse than I ever have. Between the stress of the internship and all of the great, new eating places around, I am slowly creeping up to 180lbs. My goal weight is 135 lbs. Not am I only wanting to feel better about myself, but I want to wear cute clothes rather than finding clothes that will attempt to hide my fat.

I told my boyfriend that I did not want to be engaged until I have lost weight. Because who wants to be heavy on their wedding day?! So what is my plan? I am not quite sure yet but it will involve a lot of exercise and eating home-cooked meals/more fruits and vegetables. As I go through this weight loss journey, I will slowly figure out what works best for me and my schedule. What inspired me to start this blog (besides motivation to lose weight) was another weight loss blog I had looked at. I really hope this will help me, because no one wants to listen to a heavy dietitian.

Some of my goals include:
Start running more (3x a week)
Eat more fruits and vegetables (5 a day goal)
Limit my eating out at restaurants to once a week (for now)

So just a little bit of background about me. I am 23 years old living in Indianapolis with my boyfriend of 6 years. As I mentioned above, I am in my dietetic internship at IUPUI. I am not sure what area of dietetics I want to work in yet but that's what the internship is for. There are a lot of food temptations here in Indianapolis compared to my hometown in Illinois hence why I have gained so much weight. I started the internship weighing 170 lbs. I graduated high school (5 years ago) at 155 lbs. I also have a history of heart disease on my mom's side of the family so this is something I need to work on now before I'm 40 years old. After I am married, I plan to have 3 or 4 kids so again another reason to lose weight early on in my life.

Any support throughout my weight loss journey would be very helpful. Thanks for reading!

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